Create experiences that leave you in awe, for these will be the highlights of your life. - Ryan Blair

 Highlights for 2021, in no particular order:

  • Mike and I made things official (coming up on a year! 😍)
  • Went to Houston, I’ve never been before
  • Bought a new (to me) car
  • Moved in with Mike
  • Got to live with two of my dear friends for some time, making the issue a little easier to manage 
  • Brought Mike to NC to spend time at Mom & Dad’s 
  • Finally unleashed my gnome obsession - and it’s supported!
  • Joined another direct sales company, allowing for an additional stream of income 
  • Left an extremely toxic situation and grew from the experience
2022 will be a busy year - but it will also be the year I take charge of my life and learn that NO is a complete sentence and not feel the need to explain why I’m saying no. It will be the year we finally settle into our apartment, a year I challenge myself financially and spiritually, and above all else, love on my people. It will be the year I learn to slow down and enjoy the ride.


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