Day 25 - Describe a favorite smell that always makes you smile. What about a sound, sight, or sensation?

 It's fitting that this post falls on Thanksgiving - because when I get a whiff of Dad's homemade stuffing, or Mom's baking this time of year - it makes me THE happiest and smile so big. 

Growing up, the night before Thanksgiving was always the night Dad made stuffing (happened last night too.. old habits die hard). While Dad made stuffing, Kyle and I would often catch a magic show that aired every year.. no seriously, the same exact show every year. It's a family recipe, which makes it that much more special. 

Whenever Mom baked in big batches, or a lot of options in smaller batches, it meant it was the holidays and family was coming over. Everyone says their mom is the best baker in town, and it's true - we all have the best moms who bake! At Thanksgiving especially, there was usually homemade cinnamon rolls, a few pies, her world famous chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cookies with vanilla chips (negatives, we call them), marshmallow squares, and chocolate coconut squares. There was always an abundance of baked goods - and we never passed up an opportunity to enjoy them! 

In terms of a sound that makes me smile.. I would have to say Mike's laugh. I know it was touched upon in a post a few weeks back, but his laugh makes me the happiest. We are ALWAYS laughing together, which I have never had before, and when he gets a good laugh going, I usually smile.. and then proceed to wheeze in laughter. (weak lung problems)

A sight that makes me smile? Children. I have had the privilege this week to be part of an event that caters to families - and watching children light up as soon as they see a fun tree, or Santa Clause, just makes me smile. Hearing them look for answers on the scavenger hunt while running between people brings so much joy to my heart. 

Hugs are the best sensation in my book. I have always been a hugger - and LOVE giving them. Receiving them doesn't suck either.. considering you need two people to complete the gesture! Hugs remind us that we are safe, that we are loved, and that nothing outside the hug can harm us in that moment.   


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