Friday Favorite - Quote Style

Day 18 of 30

Sorry this is so late today friends. It's been a long week - and I needed to take some down time last night instead of staying up to get this posted. But have no fear - because it's HERE! 

So today's challenge topic is: Favorite Quote and Why. (Yep, a Friday Favorite!)

My all time favorite quote is from one of my favorite novels by F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby.

I am a big fan of the fall - if I could live somewhere, that had fall all year round, I'd be happier than a pig in poo. I love the crispness of the air, the activities, the smell of fall. I touched upon this in a previous post, so for a more in depth reasoning behind why I love fall, check out "Guess I'm Fallin' For You". 

This quote has a deeper meaning to me - mostly because it's a part of one of the best books written. The scene in which this statement is made, is a turning point in the story (not giving it away - ya'll can read it for yourselves!). I was never a big fan of diving deeper into literary analysis, but as I've grown older, I start to look for it more and more in everything I read and watch. 

Outside of the literary importance, take the quote out of context. Look at it as words on a picture. A common theme I discuss on this blog is the seasons of life. Just like we go through seasons in nature, we travel through seasons in life. If we are taking this on the surface at a literal point, the seasons change, and fall is the season that things go from beautifully green to beautifully orange, red, yellow, and brown. The leaves and trees are shedding their warm layers to prepare for the cold, dead winter to follow. Every season in nature is a new chance to do something new, to shed old habits, to bring a new idea into your life and see how it works over a 3 month period. 

In life, our seasons are not defined by time. They are defined by experiences. If you applied this quote to life, it could represent EVERY single change of season for you. New job? New season, new beginning. New home? New significant other? New seasons. If something happens that drastically changes your life (for better or for worse), the seasons are about to shift in your life. Let it happen, embrace the change. You never know what you'll find on the other side of that season. 


To those who are faithful in their reading this every day this month, I very much appreciate you and your dedication to this little show we have here. I hope this helps all of you in your journeys through life, whenever the timing is right. Please feel free to share this blog with ANYONE you think would benefit from it, because if at the end of the day something I went through helps someone overcome their hurdle, then it's a good day. 


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