One Size Too Big

When was the last time you allowed yourself to dream? 

A true, heartfelt dream. Complete with a plan, a support system, and some motivation to attempt it.

There's nothing wrong with accepting the reality you live in - as long as you are honestly and truly happy with it. Down in your gut you know it's the right path for you. If you don't have that gut feeling, maybe it's time to reevaluate and allow yourself to dream in the direction you want your life to go in. An ongoing theme tied into this blog is putting energy into the universe that YOU want to receive back. Being positive all the time is not being fake, or ignoring the negative. It's choosing to rise above it, to allow yourself to be FREE of the negativity that surrounds us in this dark world. 

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Okay Kat.. but what does any of that mean?

It means you're probably overdue to let your mind and heart wander to things that would make you so unbelievably happy - they would change your life. They would allow you to truly be present in the moment, to bring joy to not just yourself but others as well. 

It means you should probably get to making a list of things you'd like to do, and put dates on when you want to achieve them. Set yourself up to WIN every single day. This is not just limited to travel, so keep that in mind as you make this list. Write down EVERYTHING you want out of life - and dates you'd like to achieve them at. Keep in mind - everyone's dreams are different - there is no cookie cutter or shortcut to what YOU dream will bring you complete happiness. 

A longstanding pipe dream I have is to get to Ireland and Scotland. My mom's side of the family is deeply rooted there, as well as Cape Breton, Nova Scotia (which was bumped up to the top 5 places I want to visit soon after Nana passed last year. I want to see where she grew up. What made her the grandmother I remember). I'd like to get back to Disney World, as it's been 11 years since I last smelled Main Street USA (go ahead and judge.. if you've been there YOU KNOW!). I'd like to see more of the United States, tour Napa Valley, see Italy and Greece. I'd like to have a dog of my own rather than always borrowing my parents' when I need to. 

This isn't about me. It's about you. ALL about you. 

So what makes your heart happy? What brings a smile to your face when you think about it?  What makes you feel like you're on cloud 9? What brings you to tears thinking about how amazing it would be?

What do you need to do to go achieve these goals, this list of happiness that keeps you up at night? What needs to change in your life in order to put you on the path to success? When are you going to stop doubting yourself and your talents, and believe that you can do anything you put your heart into? What is it going to take for you to buckle down and start living your best life? 

There are always going to be excuses why you can't do something. Sometimes, it comes down to why you WON'T rather than why you CAN'T. Get out of your own way. Go after those dreams, and make them one size too big. Allow yourself to let your mind wander, make a list of dreams and goals, and knock them out of the park. We get one life ladies and gentlemen. Make the best of it! 

Open your mind and heart, find a few BIG BIG dreams that shake you to your core. Those are the ones that sit at the top of the list and you work towards every single day. After those, find a few mid size dreams that you can achieve, and some smaller ones that you know you'll knock out of the park. We need to feel a sense of accomplishment when we make lists, so if you can cross a few things off at the beginning of your new journey, then all the power to you! 

Never stop dreaming.


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