
Showing posts from July, 2020

Wait For It

If you are a human with access to Disney Plus, you are very aware of the newest addition this month - the Broadway production of Hamilton.  I was never really into the idea, even as a history nerd, and where tickets were so difficult to get, I just couldn't understand why there was such a draw to this show. He wasn't even president!  Well.. I have eaten crow and am now obsessed with the show and all the little nuances that go with it. I have been listening to the soundtrack nonstop (yeah, that was a reference...), and often find myself singing something from the show throughout the day.  I am honestly blown away by the incredible work that Lin-Manuel Miranda put into this production and the way it is portrayed. From the cast selection to the music, the set to the costumes - it's a serious stroke of genius. The show is centered around Alexander Hamilton (I am not going to summarize it.. do yourself a favor and sit down for 2 hours and 40 minutes and ENJOY IT!), and his dem...

Tell Me Why?! (Part 2)

The final part to this two part saga is upon us! This doesn't have to do with why I chose to blog, though.  This has everything to do with WHY I chose to partner with another Network Marketing company.  Before you roll your eyes - just hear me out.  If you know me on a personal level, you know I was once a part of a direct sales company that got a bad rep. The products never changed, but the culture sure did. I quietly removed myself from a group of people who cared more about what I looked like than who I was. I had a bad taste in my mouth - and wanted nothing to do with the industry ever again. I felt like an outcast every time I was around these people, and it honestly made me question everything. Firmly against doing anything with direct sales, I started to roll my eyes when I saw people posting about their side hustles or their success. I was trained to believe that only the top earners in the company could gain anything - that everyone else just had to hope. I wante...