The Best Investment You Can Make
Just doing a check in here - how's everyone doing? I know it's a scary, unsettled time, and we're all at some stage of feelings. Not everyone will feel the same as you do - and that, my friends is okay! It doesn't mean those around you don't understand or don't want to hear about how you're feeling. It means we are all navigating this the best we know how with the information we are given. When this started 10 weeks ago, I thought it would be a month long, max. I had high hopes that this was going to blow over because it was going to be contained as soon as humanly possible. Fast forward to right now and I am dead wrong. I had to process that feeling 4 weeks ago, when we were starting week 6. It was certainly not the easiest emotional journey to go through, and there were plenty of nights where I cried myself to sleep because I missed my old life. The life that would allow me to visit with friends and family without judgement from people on social media as ...