In a fast moving world, we are constantly distracted. Whether it be our phones, our computers, TVs, or a personal battle - we're distracted all the time. While it's easy to say "that's just how it goes" or "it's just how life is" - there's no need for it. Allowing distractions to creep into your productivity and deter you from what you ultimately want to achieve is a surefire way to stop all progress. How do you deal with distractions? How does it affect your day to day? For me, personally, I am more distracted now than I was when I was in college. There is so much going on in the world, and while I try really hard to focus on one task at a time, I get distracted and find myself mindlessly scrolling the internet. I can't shut my brain down to just relax and enjoy life's simple pleasures like reading or just being still. I am constantly wondering what my friends are doing, what the latest giveaways are on Instagram, what people...