
Showing posts from June, 2020

Tell Me Why?! (Part 1)

As a lifelong Backstreet Boys fan... whenever I hear that statement, I often finish with "Ain't nothin' but a heartache" - even as I wrote this I sang it to myself. That's not what this is about!  I am often asked why I chose to go into blogging. My response is always very simple - I want to make a difference in the world by sharing my truth. Sharing how I view things, and open up a dialogue that will allow for conversations we may not necessarily have otherwise. I want to share everything with the world, in a reserved manner. I want to create a community where we can be ourselves and stand united, even if we have varying opinions.  I have wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I wanted to be a high school history teacher who spent her summers writing novels. Blogging is as close as I will get to writing a book at the moment, but I have not written that dream off yet. Teaching, however, took a huge backseat when I went for my master's...

On This Week's Episode...

Podcasts appear to become increasingly more popular, especially through this quarantine time. I never saw myself as a podcast person a few years ago - but now, I can't get enough! I saw them as an extension of Talk Radio - and I canNOT stand it. My granddaddy used to love listening to talk radio, and as a child I wanted nothing more than to listen to the local pop station. There are so many out there - and can fit any niche in life. You just have to peruse wherever you listen to music and see what's available. Personally, I use Spotify. I have a premium account and have more music and podcasts saved in my account than the length of my lifespan!  But in all honesty - podcasts are a GREAT way to learn, develop yourself, and in some cases, escape reality.  True Crime As a true crime junky - I am a sucker for any conversation around unsolved murders or serial killers. I have NO shame in that.. my roommate and I are always on the hunt for a good true crime documentary.  The fi...